What can improve you work during the COVID-19?-IQBoard
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What can improve you work during the COVID-19?


For many information-based workers, especially in metropolitan areas of the United States, working from home may become a long-term trend, lasting until 2021 and beyond. Video conference is the main contributor to the success of this strategy. Video conferencing is not just a casual meeting and marketing tool, it has evolved into a ubiquitous function, just like the telephone of people working at home. In order to make it work, you will study different hardware from the hardware deployed in the conference room to achieve large-scale video enabled telecommuting, but the back-end service providers will remain similar. 

In addition to the epidemic, the distance between enterprises is getting farther and farther, and it has been for some time. In other words, many small and medium enterprises (SMBs) are increasingly scattered in many geographical locations, which brings complex challenges to communication, even for internal employees. It's hard to think about talking to all of these people if you don't travel a lot with customers and partners, which can be costly. Here, video conferencing can greatly improve the company's profits. Our S330 for video conferencing is released to meet your need.

By using the video conference service, you can bring your life to the conference without spending half your time on the airport line. In this way, the presenter is not only the voice on the phone, but also the presence on the screen that can see and interact with other participants, share presentations, etc. For collaborative meetings, the moderator can sketch ideas on an online whiteboard and invite participants to join. Some video conferencing services allow presenters to transfer control to other participants who can continue the conference without interruption. Others allow the host to deny access to latecomers to further avoid interruptions.

Finally, you will check for compatibility with browser and system requirements. All tested services can run on PC, while some can run on MAC and some on Linux. Most are widely compatible with web browsers, but you need to upgrade to one of the latest versions. Many of them still need to use plug-ins or downloadable applications for maximum value.

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