The significance of interactive flat panel for education-IQBoard
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The significance of interactive flat panel for education


To stay afloat in a competitive world, students need to be able to think critically. They must be able to observe and analyze. Have the ideas of smart solutions to complex dilemmas. They need to be able to answer higher-level questions that require thinking and exploration abilities and learn to ask why, what if, and how to think about all aspects of the problem.

IQTouch interactive flat panel supports 20-point touch that allows several students to writing on the whiteboard at the same time. It brings the interactivity and collaboration between teacher and students, students and students. We have experienced some of the key factors of using IFP reports, (a) interactivity, which enhances active learning instead of just passively getting information; (b) Large scale, convenient for collaborative group work; (c) Accessibility to young learners who do not acquire complicated skills. 

The students in elementary school are more motivated when using interactive displays. The positive impact of interactive technology is significant. The learning quality the students and the learning environment has also been enhanced. In addition, the interactive display significantly attract students’ interests to the course.

Towards higher education. The results continue to prove the fascinating quality of interactive displays. A study of first-year students compared courses with and without the interactive displays. Those assigned to the "with" class have achieved a higher level of "academic press"-the degree to which they care about academic achievement. The researchers concluded that it is a significant positive correlation of the difference.

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