The future of the class-IQBoard
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The future of the class


IQTouch interactive touchscreens are available as a LCD display. We install diverse solutions in special resolutions, special formats, or special mounting mechanisms depending on the application and capacity requirements. Whether research, teaching, industry, or politics: We have the right interactive solution for your needs. 

Think of the benefits this provides to students. For one, how many times did you forget to write down notes, assignments that were written up on the blackboard? I know it happened to me at least once per week. Now, taking advantage of the smart board, all notes can be easily accessible by all students in the classroom which leads to higher levels of collaboration amongst students, who can discuss whiteboard notes through the class’s online management system.

“An interactive whiteboard is a large interactive smart board in the form factor of a whiteboard. It can either be a standalone touchscreen computer used independently to perform tasks and operations, or a connectable apparatus used as a touchpad to control computers from a projector.”

Combined with the wireless presentation systems, IQTouch smart board creates the environment that teacher and students can collaborate on the same screen content and share it with the entire class in real time. Additionally, the smart board empowers the teacher to guide the student through the problem and even lets students do the exercise in the classroom as it is being shared in real-time.
Click to know more about IQTouch and Wireless Presentation System, 

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