Latest Interactive Whiteboards for Schools-IQBoard
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Latest Interactive Whiteboards for Schools


Interactive whiteboard is a must for schools in an era of intelligent education. There are many interactive whiteboards of different brands are coming out subsequently. With all options available, it’s down to you to assess what features are important to your school and your staff. In other words, you must think about what is it that you value from your whiteboard. This article will look at some of these options and examine an alternative solution that helps to combat many of the limitations associated with traditional interactive whiteboard solutions commonly used for classroom applications.  


It is also important that your chosen whiteboard offers good enough visibility for the whole class to see it properly. Viewing angles and screen brightness are often serious issues in classrooms, as many still rely on projectors and front projection screens to display content. Front projection screens in classrooms can present consistent problems for teachers, primarily causing shadows, calibration issues and that’s not to mention the general care to be taken over projectors which are subjected to heavy use. With this, also comes other considerations, such as classroom lighting levels, projector settings, projector bulb life, screen brightness and viewing angles. These are things that need assessing in depth before purchasing an interactive front projection screen for a classroom.


In recent years, many schools have started to utilize the benefits of the internet by engaging online with international ‘pen pals’, fulfilling elements of the curriculum. Our IQBoard Interactive Whiteboard offers the ultimate solution for this, being equipped with an integrated webcam for simple video conferencing, making entire classroom conferences possible. This may also be beneficial for higher educational facilities such as Universities or Colleges, who may wish to feature video conferencing as part of their seminar structure. 


We offer an OPS PC as an additional extra with our IQBoard interactive whiteboard. Permanent PC ‘stations’ are frequently utilised by Primary schools or smaller Secondary schools, with many other educational facilities opting to supply staff with laptops. Our interactive whiteboard facilitates both these approaches, offering easy access front connectivity for HDMI and USB.


An investment in this technology would provide an overall enormous benefit to your educational institution when compared to many alternatives on the market, and there should be no reason why your school or University can not benefit from this superior solution as much as possible.

Our IQBoard Interactive Whiteboard is both simple and intuitive, offering teachers the latest and most responsive touch technology to support an active and inspired learning environment.

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