Interactive Touch Screen Displays Brings Interaction and Creativity to the Classroom-IQBoard
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Interactive Touch Screen Displays Brings Interaction and Creativity to the Classroom


There’s no one-size-fits-all answer for ideal classroom display solutions. Fortunately, schools have options. Most classrooms benefit (hugely) from at least one interactive touch screen display. Many find that more than one display is ideal for flexible classrooms that maximize active learning.
Interactive touchscreen displays – what some call smart flat-screen TVs – deliver loads of benefits. Here are the top advantages of using an interactive touch screen display in your school.
1.Support Interactive Learning
Interactive touch screen displays have an inherent ability to bolster active learning. (Provided teachers use them for more than showing videos and slides). It’s one of the greatest advantages these dynamic devices bring to the classroom.
2.Enhance Students Collaboration
Students working together consistently tops the list of active learning approaches. Interactive touch screen displays are masterful at enabling collaboration. Multi-touch capabilities let several students manipulate onscreen content as a team. It’s an ideal way to brainstorm. Present. Analyze text or images. Work through an experiment. Or engage with a learning game. (All of which, by the way, are recommended activities for active learning.) Add collaboration software and students can cast and share content from their seats. 
3.Developing critical readiness skills
Interactive touch screen displays help students of all ages develop critical life skills. The jobs of today and tomorrow demand greater adaptability, problem-solving and critical thinking. To prepare students for career and college readiness they need to be using tech tools. And they need to be using these classroom tech tools in ways that develop these critical skills.
4.Boosting Students Enthusiasm and Engagement
Students in classes that leverage an interactive touch screen display are more engaged. They pay more attention. They’re more positive about learning. Teachers often report that increased attentiveness and engagement are the top benefits of teaching with interactive display technology.
5.Enhance Classroom Management
Interactive touch screen displays can be a boon to keeping classes running smoothly. For one thing, the more engaged students are, the less likely they are to be disruptive. By making lessons more dynamic, students are inherently more captivated by the content. (Who doesn’t like learning with a game, video or lively discussion with onscreen annotation?)

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