Everything can be done at a smart board-IQBoard
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Everything can be done at a smart board


https://www.iqboard.net/iqtouch_t900.phpA vision for a technology-driven center of excellence - Port Royal infant and Elementary School, which now has access to a smart interactive board, with $10,000 in funding from PayPal GIVES, the philanthropic affiliate of multi-billion-dollar technology companies outside the U.S. When Jamaica Observers visited the official handover of the smart board last Thursday, the school's students walked into their computer room excitedly, the board has multiple functions.


“Everything can be done at the smart board. Students can operate the blackboard and access various learning applications, for example, the notebook software that comes with it. Teachers can switch between notebook software that allows them to create various lessons and a browser that has internet access,” said Josette Malcolm, Procurement Officer at Massy Technologies. The principal said the learning tool would increase student engagement and assist teachers in teaching.


We're past that era of chalk and talk, and we're now moving from whiteboards to technology. With the addition of smartboards, children can now access their information with their teachers in the classroom. It will also allow for more group learning because, as you know, kids love anything they can manipulate, so it will grab their attention," Jones said.


Jones said that with the Department of Education emphasizing greater use of information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching, schools were identifying smartboards as a tool that could advance their vision.


"When we looked at all the benefits that Smart Interaction Board brings to schools around the world, we did a global analysis and found that this is one of the best tools to put in schools because it has worked wonders in many countries, including the United States, " she says.

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