Enhance all learning sections by interactive touch screen-IQBoard
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Enhance all learning sections by interactive touch screen


Returnstar Technology Group Co., Ltd, with IQ and Q-NEX as its main brands, has 15 years of experience in the education and business market for interactive products such as interactive whiteboard/touch screen/visualizer/wireless mic system, etc. we have solutions including IQClass Interactive Teaching Solution, IQMEET Conference Solution, Q-NEX Smart Campus Solution. At this time, we mainly talk about IQClass which creates fun teaching and learning atmosphere and witnesses students’ growth. It covers all learning sections such as class presentation, in-class collaboration, and after-class review, enabling students to learn anywhere and anytime.

IQclass main features are as follows. First, preparation for class, with IQView document camera and teaching software, the teacher can quickly upload files to create personalized courseware that is shared with students for preview. Second, active in-class collaboration, which means teachers and students can achieve multi-screen interaction with any device, such as the computer, tablet, and mobile phone. teachers could share class files and make an evaluation of student performance timely. Third, after-class review, with class files shared timely and teaching video recorded, students could review and finish homework timely with the strengthened knowledge base.

All in all, IQClass has everything you need to teach, collaborate, share and evaluate in classrooms, designed to meet different needs. If you are interested in smart board, find us on our official website www.iqboard.net.

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