Bring your team to a smart video conference-IQBoard
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Bring your team to a smart video conference


Let’s check the advantages of video conference.

Brings Remote Workers and Telecommuters Together
With 43 percent of employed Americans working remotely at least some of the time, more people are working remotely than ever before. So, it’s important for businesses that employ remote workers and telecommuters to bring those employees together in a way that doesn’t rely on face-to-face meetings. 

More Personal and Engaging Than Phone Conferencing Alone
Although conferences conducted over the phone can allow for effective communication in many situations, video conferencing is unique in that it allows participants to see the body language of each other. Studies have found that communication relies on body language between 55 percent and 70 percent of the time.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity for your smart conference
The combined effect of many of the advantages of video conferencing—such as less time and money wasted, increased personal connection, and a lack of travel—is a greater level of efficiency and productivity. After all, if attendees are spending the bulk of their time actually participating in a meeting rather than preparing for it, traveling to it, or waiting for other participants to arrive, it makes sense that efficiency and productivity will go up.

Cuts Down on Carbon Emissions
Since adopting greener business practices can save money, attract consumers and improve reputation (in addition to helping the environment, of course), 10 percent more companies have set carbon and water targets over the past five years. Given that transportation accounts for 28 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, it’s clear that businesses that adopt video conferencing can significantly cut down on their carbon emissions and save money in the process.

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